Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Leaf Rapids - Starling to a Starling (lyric video)

I have not forgotten about any of you Blogger friends.
But time made me change and move on.
Sending love.


  1. hi Cat
    nice vid and song
    love , Karel

  2. Hi, cat!

    I'm breaking in a brand new set of cat phones, dear friend, and thoroughly enjoyed the song and amazing video you posted. You made my day! I certainly have not forgotten about you and my good buddy Theo Thunderbutt. I'm happy to know that he is well, even though he sleeps much of the time.

    I would like to take this opportunity to update you about the changes on my side of the screen and fill you in on my new blogging policy. You might not know this, but last summer I moved away from Florida and now reside back up north in the region where I was born and raised. This new chapter of my life has been accompanied by a new blogging policy. I have drastically reduced my blog presence, limiting myself to only three days of "active duty" per month so that I can devote more time to the upkeep of our new house. According to my policy and in the interest of conserving time, if a comment from a great longtime friend like you is submitted after a current post has been running more than three days, I will refrain from replying to it, but nevertheless reciprocate by showing up at the friend's site and commenting on their latest post as I am doing now. It's not that I am ignoring your kind comment on my post. I read it and very much appreciate it. It is simply my way of not letting myself get drawn back into full time blogging in the middle of the month.

    I hope you have been well and in good spirits. I hope you got the chance to travel down to old May-he-co this past winter and that you have visited the yurt on occasion. Thank you so much for reaching out to me and renewing our friendship. Take good care of yourself and my buddy TT until we connect again, dear friend cat!

  3. Hi cat! 👋 Blogger isn't cooperating for me - won't let me sign in - so I have to comment this way. It's lovely to see a post from you. Many bloggers have moved on, but, I'm still hanging in there. MInd you, there are many breaks in between! ☺ Hope you are doing well these days. ♥

  4. Hi ^.^ - It sounds like all is well with you. My only issue is the fun of aging...but the good news is that I'm still aging. My wife and I love seeing a murmuration of starlings as its an amazing natural eye-catching phenomenon. I may drop out of the 'blogisphere" in August when I hit my 15th blogging anniversary. Too many other things I want to or need to do. Take Care of yourself. Big Daddy Dave

  5. Good to have you drop in on blog-world, Cat. Nice video, peaceful
